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I'm looking for a Copilot

Our process

An accessible, collaborative, and transparent approach. We firmly believe that a clear and open process is essential for everyone's success. No method or tool is used randomly at Copilot; each approach is strategic and allows us to find the right people for you.


Finding candidates tailored to your needs

In addition to using traditional platforms to promote our opportunities, thanks to our sister company Indispensable Recruitment, we leverage a decade of industry experience, a combined market reach and an expansive network of incredible individuals allowing us to prioritize a direct approach to find talent that perfectly matches your requirements. At Copilot, we specialize in recruiting all types of administrative roles, exclusively offering quality positions. To ensure the best fit for our clients, we employ the most effective methods.

Consulting service

Guiding you in defining your needs

We act as partners for our clients, helping them clearly define their needs and effectively integrate their new collaborators into their work environment. At Copilot, we contribute to structuring our clients' administrative teams, ensuring they remain competitive, effective and efficient in the market.

Contact us

I'm looking for a Copilot